28 (209)

28 (209)

74 Cbapter 2 selected and the procedurę is repeated. In the first case, however, the band is not hired immediately. First the agency should see and hear the band to see if they are good enough. Because the students only take the best, about thirty percent of the bands is considered good enough. For the other seventy percent, a new band is selected, and so on. If the students cannot find a band quickly enough, they switch to CDs. Of course, the bands that have been hired before do not have to be evaluated first. They’re hired immediately. After taking care of the loca-tion and the musie, they also take care of food and drinks. In case of a band, they order extra food and drinks for the musicians. To make surę everything is fine, the students take a look at the party when it is being held. After that, a bill is sent to the customer.

(a)    Model the workflow by making a process definition in terms of a Petri net using the techniąues introduced in this chapter. Assign triggers to tasks whenever appropriate.

(b)    Analyze the process and investigate possible improvements.


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