05 webbig

05 webbig

Button-down Bag


About Ti' wido x 5'/i* high Materials:

Worsted weighl yarn. 3 o / (210 yds, 90 gms) Bcdsprcadweight crochet cołlon. two 225-yd balls Noto: Our photographed purso was madę with Red Heart* Classic,v Siiver #412 and J. & P. Coais' Knlt-CroShccn' WhitoSihrer BIS.

Sizo E <3.5mm) crochet hook, o r sizc reguired for gaugo

Sizc 16tapestry nccdlc

One docorativo button, Y«*-diametor

Sewing neodlo and matching thread


13sc = 3‘


Noto: Purso is worked holding ono strand o( yarn and one strand of thread tog. unless other-wise spccificd-


Noto: Body is worked in joincd rows.

Starting at bottom of body wilh both strands tog. ch 62; join to form a ring.

Row 1 (right sidc):

Ch 1. sc in samo ch as joining and in cach rem ch; join in first sc—62 sc. Ch 1, tum.

Row 2:

Sc in first sc. ch 2. hdc in side of sc just mado—picot madę; sk ncxt sc; * sc in ncxt sc. ch 2, hdc in side of sc just mado—picot mado; $k next sc; rep from * 29 times moro; join in first sc. Ch 1, turn.

Row 3:

Sc in first sc; * working bohind picot, dc in noxt skipped sc on 2nd row below; on working row, sc in noxt sc; rep from * 29 times moro; working bohind picot. dc in lasł skipped sc; join in first sc. Ch 1. tum.

Row 4:

Sc in cach st; join in first sc. Ch 1, tum.

Row 5:

Sc in cach sc; join in first sc. Ch 1. tum.

Rows 6 through 21:

Rep Rows 2 through 5 four times moro. At end of Row 21, cul thread only. With yarn only, ch 1, turn.



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