About 1Yi* wido x 2' lont) wrihout tosscl Materinls:
8edspreadweiyhtcrodie: cotlon, 60 yrfs wbite;
36' lungth bluo;0* icngth black; 1" Icngth rc<l Si/u 5 ste*l cr ochot hook. or size reguired for gaugo
oiwj Snim blade pompon
Iwo ?mm mov.iW? oyos Iw glue or lady eraft glue
7 eir. - 1”
Wrth wiutc, ch 4.
Rnd 1:
19 dc in 4th ch (rom hook fhcg 3 skipped cha couni as a dc>: join in 3rd ch of beg 3 skipped ehs—20 dc.
Rnd 2:
Ch 3 {counis as a dc on this and following rnds). dc in same ch as ioirang; working in Bis only, 2 dc in aach of ncxt 19 dc; |Oin in 3id di ol iiitg ch-3— 40 dc
Rnd 3:
Ch 1. sc in same ch as woiking in Bis only. sc in nexi 15 dc. in ncxi dc woik (3 dc. ch 2.3 dc); sc in next 6 d:. in next dc warte (3 dc. ch 2.3 dc); sc in next 16 dc, ch 60. sl st m last sc mado; join in fiist sc.
Fmtsh ort and weavo in ends.
Finishing Stop 1:
Following instructionr. on pngo 1. maku tassel in ch 60 loop.
Stop 2:
Following instruclions on page 1. błock bookniark.
Step 3:
Refcrring to Photo lor płaceniem, glim iryu* to right sido ol head.
Stop 4:
CutIhreo i" icngthsol Black,pluć length!. toceninr nf lieed for whiskeis. Glue pompon ovcr Icngths for nos*
Stop 5:
Cutlor.gth of red; glue to head in a alight cuivn m form mouth.
Step 6:
Cut threo 12' lengtbs ol Dloo. Fio ono Icngth inio Ikiw; g-no betów ono oar. Hołd rcmatnmg 2 lengihs rogoihor and lic into bow. Glue to head abovc tasscl loop.
Tiim ends.