Aboul 3“ widu x 6" tony witltout tasscl Motoriols:
Bndsprcodwuight croclwt conon, 50 ycs cach. ycitow and pink; 1" lenylh red
Si/e 5 stwJ croelml hook, or sirc rcoyncd fot flouge
tv.« 7nim rnov.jWo eyOs hol y!no or lauky crnfi gluo
V dc - i "
With yciiow. eh i.
Rnd 1:
19 dc in 4th ch frern hook (bcg 3 skipped chs counl as a dc): jom ni 3rd ch of bcg 3 skipped chs—20 tle.
Rnd 2:
Ch 3 (counis as a dc), dc in samo ch as joining: woiking m bbs oniy. 2 dc lo cach dc: join in 3uf cli of l*>g clv3— ■10 (fc,
Rnd 3:
Ch 1. sc In sama ch os joining; working in Bl.s only. cc in cacli dc, join In BL of firr.t sc. Cłrange to pink by drawinfl Ip throuflh; eut yellow.
Rnd 4:
Cli 1, sc in sonie ch GO, -.1 r.t in h: just moda; ik nust SC, in ncxt sr. woik (dc, 7 uc. dc); sk nexl sc; * sc in r.uxt sc. sk ncxi sc. m noxt sc wm k (dc, 7 tto. dc); *k nuxt sc; rep ftOnl • 8 timnr. mnrn; jnm in fiisl sc benealh sl sl
Finish oH and vw»vo in all rrncfs
Finishing Step 1:
Foliowi ng instructions on poge 1. willi jiini, maku tassel in ch CO loop.
Step 2:
FoHowrng insiructionson pagu I. błock bookntark.
Step 3:
Cul two 10" Icngihr, nf y.-llow H<i!.i holli ftinylhs togulli-ct: tie inio bow. Rolening io (ihoio for placninem. giuo to flower .ifcovi! tossćl loop. Tnni nniis
Stop 4:
Referent] to phoio for płaceniem, gtim r«ni in a o; dc for moulfi. Gluc cycs lo cenior ol flower.