Si JOhn*oiv8«iBey (MoodS in Stones Brootfos) is a riafonal beadrg --lyrudor ałiose work has :-r- •■■■'•.-os m coer Madr.g aooks. Elaresttes n Juneau.Alaska

Serric Bulrick <Scaloped Peyote W Cabochcn NecMace) s tron Garretswlla. Ohio. She teactios in - ; wd every wnter in OuarlHitft Anzora Cca»2 her al: www.lxaOS'tvrocks.aim.

=-«a Cossey (Jasper CaboctKJn NecMace) a a pubfched ara acoompfehed beacfer. She «.Hso a -"•O PMC rstruflor and a gl*$$ artisl. She reskłes in rural Oklahoma

Linda Currier iPeyoro Barrek NecttBce) ot Els* Creabons is a t-sad arfe ano irelructor. She teaches i', national sncws and Mad shops ctose to h»t borne m Fartoauk. Minnesota.

Cheryl Enckson (PiWcees Sandra Mae) is a prcfossonal fcead ar-st and maoftat .reiracfcr Irom Wos>. Des Mones. lwa Her wont has been śatureo In books. gaie-tos. aro natonal lonrs Ccnlao hor al: AV//.OeacsbychO'yl.oom

Erika Faust {Beaded Fish Lure NecWaces) ol Uawrtrtg, Mchigan. navels ihroughccl hor siato dong art SJ-OHS, tesiwafe, arvj warksbops hcprg to mspirn olhors to eiplore the iasananng v»odd of beads

Myrna FHgg |Toa Intuser Nccfclace) is an a-ńd oeacer ard metrter o‘ LHF Bead Gra*) and Kie tona 8ex! Sectety. She toes in Ctve. lewa.

Janeł Fłynn i.Mabes Pear Bracokrti 3 a nurse ano WiDook aetro* łom froat Fals. Wgna She teaches al naanrd beatl slows and can be reached at: wrtv.janerynn.eom

D.J. Levlne iDoLglrul Ti es) ol Mantcu Spcogs. Colorado, is a momber cl Ihe Rocky f.touriam Bead Socery. She has been beadrg sree 1996 afiar seerg eld Naine American beacUc*

Stella Mans lAjychtwu Neckl**] is a bsad and wre artti! w ho ues and worka cn a yachi r Fen laueercale. Fkmda Shie oten rabs the eogre room ol Ihe yacht ooking for imisual items lo jsć m heriewelry

Beny Oliver iDclro*C Gass fechlacel and h« -/jjtund have a bcolh at Ojaitzoto ever/ wnler and setl beadrg and Ocfroic giass cćtos-ons Tney tvn in Daniel. Wyomiog

Słgrld Wyrw Evans jBeactod Doi Broochesl Ol TTte Bosded Bear in Modeslo. Caltoma. is Ihe auther ol numer cos books on teadrą. She is a 1reqaeol ccifrbulcr to Ihe peerjlar beadbg rragazrts.



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