Rod 4: O (cosints at fint dc. now and throoghout) -2dc. ch?. 3de)m mad®, cM, * t (3 dc m nent eh 1 tfk eh I)twfe* t, (3 dc. ch 2. 3 d«) n n®*t ch-2 sp, ch 1. repeat from •    moro '    mttot coce; jem

with sfcp to firjt dc. fnńh cff *8 dc and tó sps

Usng d**gram> os a gud® to* pi»c«mool. włspsiitch Squares togethe* to* Frcnt and Bace (Fig. 3. pago 22), :hcn whipstitch Front ar.:i 8ae« togother at sto* odgos




Row 1: V. t right vd* facr i jo • V. - !*• mv se •n ch ot po-nt A (to® Joinog With Sc. pag® 21),

■c ®vooY spacod aroond. do not

Row 2: Turn    fnst ’    ■ i •-••

(dc. ch 1. dc) >n r*o*l tc. * sk.p nett 2 sc (dc th V dc) m neat sc; repcat from • acrott to Ust 6 SC s*'P oe*t sc. dc -o rrent sc Uamg ramainmg 4 te wnworfeod 48 dc and 23 eh-1 sps

Row 3:

n®M dc dc -n Ust dc 7ł dc

Row4:f ’ 3. •    ••• presto-: ;oc V o : "■

n*xt dc. • s‘< p noxt 2 dc ; dc ch t. dc) *n n**t dc; repcat from » ecros-. to Ust 2 dc. s» ■:> n*«: dc. dc in Ust dc 48 de and 23 ch -1 spt

Rows 5-20: R.~. ■•ot •••••    - h ••

F mish rM leasing a teng ®nd for tewing

wroisg sto® »g*th®r. toto Ust rowof Hood m half Threod Medi® wth long end and whipstitch IOPSMM


Row 1:'.V“ wroisg    • i jr J    ■

ord of rpwt, jon WhiW with se in Row 2, work 84 sc twenly sp*c*d acrott to Row 1, ch 2. skip ne»« 2 sc on Row 1. sVp st m n*xt te. 85 se

Row 2: Ch 3. tum. hde m th.rd ch from hook. dc n * <st sc * skip neit 3 sc, (dc ch 3. h<śc in thrd Ch from h«ok. dc) *n n**t tc. r®p®at from * across. sk.p r>c«t 2 sts on Row t of Body. slip st m neat st; fir>sh off


Rnd trWifi right -'I.'—.; i .v eh 2 sp at center bade. sc m tam* tp. work "05 sc «ven!y spaced across to ch-2 sp at center (rent.

3 SC *n ch-2 sp. work t05 SC cvcnly spaced across. sc m tame sp as firt! te; jon wrth slip st to first se: 216 sc

Rnd 2:0 /. : • ‘ . i

sam® st as brgmning ch 7. skip n*«t 3 sc. • (d:. <h 4. dc in tourth ch from hook. dc) m "»««tc. skip n®«t 3 sc. i»onai from • around. jom wih tlip st m th®d ch of begincung ch 7. fmish off


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