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t-JSO .U (2008) 154-I5S


Laparoscopic hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) tor the treatmeni of malignant ascites secondary to unresectable peritoneal carcinomatosis from advanced gastric cancer

E. Facchiano ", S. Scaringia. R. Kianmanesh 3, J.M. Sabate b. B. Castcl a,
Y. Flamant;l. B. Coffin b. S. Msika

* Dtpart/ncni <•/ Sur nery. Louis Mount r llospital. Assutance PubUrfue, Hopitaut dr Paru. Unhmiry Paru VII,

17/1 rut det RtnouiUers. 92701 Colombts Cedtx. France h Department of Hepoto-Castro-Fraeroloty. Louu Mouritr llospital. Auiuance Pubiiąue. Hopitawt de Paru,

Unietrsity Paru VII. Colombts, France

AcccpłcJ 24 May 2007 Av*iUMe Online 20 Juty 2007


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