Backstrchng c an embrckloiy sdtch th* t$ necessaey to start a tot of jyoieds—espeoaty tbos* that mcbd# scmemhg you wam »te*) arouad. Ike a cabccnon YCo can ato use iNs stnch k> «flbe*9h term Ike ctothing
In ne cnaph* on beadrg around cabcchcns jChapter 4. caje 37|, you wll see that Ite | yco nesdwdo « glue !he cebocron to a jwce ol backrg magnat ard aiow t lodry Then. make a ino ol fceads yard tf* CJfcocnon wtfi becksMchng. so ycu can weaue tte beadedtaai.
'.nglc-thread your ncodlc with the strongest rhtesd tlut •il! tlili jułi through your beods about (bur limo. At the nd of (Iłc thread, tie a knot big enough so it woni pass UOUgh your backing
Hrtng the threadcd needk up from thc umkrssdc ot thc acking materiał in thc middłe of one side of thc cabocbon nr othet item ton are bcading amundi and about a hall-
ead width front thc c-ibochon. PuD thc thread through nul the kiwa i> light agalust thc backing materiał.
Strlngon twr bcads, lay them tighlly againu thc cabochon, nJ pata thc nccdlc bock through thc backing tight against he Ust bead. Then come up in the fiest hole again and pass hroagh tbc bcads one morę limę. as shown in Figurę 2-4X
śtring on Iwo morę beads and takc thc necdlc down hrough thc backing. tight againti thc ncw bcads. Bring the - ctdlc up througlt thc kcomI hole and p«M through the c.ond tet ol heatlt again. as shown in Figurę 2-44.
nie iccwc Sfc'- Aj*r 4V*t twl a łi* kihwc n frJOff« *V i*?as fctepnPeMKIKltMM
Thread on Iwo ncw bcads, as in Figurę 2 45. Pass back through the backing. come up* through the backing betwern the second iwo tcu of bcads, and pass through the new set.
Repcat step 5 unt/1 you h*vc compłeteły cncinicd the cabochon (or ołher objęci) as in Figurę 2-46
To futidi. pass the thread back through all the bcads to tighten the ring. Then. pass thread to thc uttdersidc and tteure it in the stitching.
'w 2-#