£ 'B April 2003 PADMacC
Draw the Graphic Contours of the Tonę Units/Melodies and their Sequences.
The generalized, potemial pauses suggested helnw and coinciding willi TU houndaries here. are indicated in the text only for comfortable first reading (they form a kind of defauli versioii/imerpretion) and may be leinterpreted every time by individual readers and in individual renditions: same may be reduced. other pauses added. lengthened or sliortened.
(They fnay be measured by the number ofbeats - silem stresses. silem syllabtes, sitem feet.)
\Holiday Arraitgements„ |
A. joyce: ^Well. | ' how did you get 'on? |
B. HARRY: ' Let me be ' gin at the be \ginning. j ' When i /got there, | 0 the'^first thing I did |
was to go to the infor / mation bureau | ° and ask for a , list of ho tels and \boarding houses. j 0 Then I i :' ured to a 'seat in the/parki0 and spent ' half an/hour or sn j
looking " through them | c and ' marking the \likely ones. j c The “bestplaces j
° were morę than we coold af'ford of course. I 0 And there were '^others i 0 that were obviously j ° a Iong way from the \sea. j ° I checked ' up the ad\dresses ] ° on the \tnap they _ gave me.
A. Did you ' like the ' generał feel of the place? | ' What was it \like on the whole? )
B. /Weil, | ° PU \tell you. | ° The ' whole '^atmosphere was quite pleasant | (° ) ' nice /shops and so on. | 0 And it’s a'łovely'^bay. j ° The ' tide was \in when I t First
, walked along the /front, j ° but ' even \So j ° there was 'quite a lot of '^sand showing. j 0 And when the 'tide was out j ° there was a tre "mendous expanse | 0 I shoutd
, say a hundred yards \wide,-1 and of course you can walk a Iong the shore
for about' two miles in /one direction | ° and ' three in the ^other j ° | sand a!l the \way.