- ■ the baiic insiroctśons on :: aoii 26 fo» mounling a «om r >: and doing a beadcd colUf.
' • ith tlw maile bcads and an ■onal row of the rooł beer bcads.
. row with ihc rooł beer 14° beadi.
Make the frtnpe in the beading pattern as shown in Figurę 4-9. U ts a vaiiation of brnnehed fringe, t>o i fnnge betwcen cvery bead on tbe bottom outer ring.
one row of the root beer 8" n reads around the beadcd coflar.
i a ringof er cum 11* sccd beads ti place around ibc coilar and
the coucbed row. Tben. couch the i-colorcd iow in place. Trim the
Bnni le needle up between iwo of fcr - bead> on llie lower leń corner of |ta outer ring. Referring lo Figurę 4-8, r- -on rwo root beer 11* beads. one pr ■wn m#«« 11”, and one rooł bcct 11°, Wu back through the maile II" bead, k-- ering on im morę root beer 110 kv i • Tak* ihe needle down into the kad to tite riglit <*f where you caitK up r ‘ p lis through th.it bend to the Icft. Fku through the next iwo beads and pene up, a. shown. Repeat the proccss (erJ you get to the lower right corner.
I .. arc actualły nuking loops around tv uicr edge, lhough tbcy will look i»c pointa.
o 30 ęians rod tccr auwa toTMlISlkjWlbMdŚłA) •> IOfiniTW«terttlKwnira» I1’$*dbeafc(8)
-> 1 ęr.m cmmliaMbm-l
aortra tarata 1i'si»Jlitads
■> lorom root Dor avcro sendis !<■ serc teith 150 redl tar wrota btralli V utc bs«{ |Cl •> 15 Cccna 3m» x tom ron»l» Bads (D)
o Brcatn Sćiunide threed o Buł#* lesbrt (V Utj>»t lim acne ni arowi)
-> Sas 10 slurps raetfe
Bend Key
O *
• B
O c
<C$> D
To make the necklace strap, fottow the spiral ropę instructiom, page 31. The corc beads. ate dark brown nutte 11* beudt and the outer bead. arc root beer 11c beadi.
/ When the spiral ropę strap is the desired length, altach at upper corner. of the bcaded cabochon by tfitchiug through the ropę into the edge of the beadcd cabodson until it tccfe sccutc.
Mtnćffertinngihespti rop; step l-nątinstp/.bt V £ureb}oaiQS%enccxłacelong
mif, lo ?} owi y:ui tetó cfSissfiortupKcscnejch ,5kfcanljfla}iaaas3