2P.'inting th* Shadowt.
Willi a largc « medium bcuvh and bbek palni, till in the thadowt bc-twcen tKc haunch and the intide car. and bchind (He car intide the cutying linę o/ the"tpinc<Fe*thcT o«i ihe >Kx!-owa a» ycm naećpraf from thctfcfea-euret. Ouilsnt the <-ar>, łhfjuppct haunch. and thcipaec betwccn the ’ chin an^furd leg. Aiwa bląck ou! My poctian ihowing bdow the Ctookcd hńd leg. Thu U?^ecia]ly impoctant if your uorte h« a convcx front lidc ihai WJ wam to piay down. Uie your imali ee medium bruth to ouiline the head and the e>c, and to fili the no*c and I hoof. Paitjt the tali ta blacfc, feathenng out your stroket łłang the oogc*.
3 Ba te Color.
Pour iwo g»xd*iircd puddlet of Kitnt tienru and goid tato you* parni dóh. Ule your largc- oe medium-tired tcudi to mix ihe rwo colort in the een-ter. leasing tccnc unmbtcd pigment on eaher aide. Fili in ihe haunch and the , ewitc bind leg- Aiwa (Ul In the head. king careful noc to paini Ovet any Naek ouilinet. Djp the lip of your ttuth into the gold titlc of ycor paim arii uroić hlghJighti aloog the top tdge of ihe fotehead and the top od the waiJe car. A littJc ttralght gold along the upęer c«rve of the haunch will long out >*> ihrpc at wcil. Ctcan your leaih and dip it Into uraight butni ti-treu. Strokc thls coloe in a cunt be-jimlng at the napę of the neck and swing lock alcetg the tptnc all the »*j arosnd to the bate of the talL Feuher a few hortrontal itrokei herc ird ihete In ihc fclack arca between ie haunch and the intidc car to toften dethadowt. Ute burnt sienna all itog ihe kra-er edge of the hind leg to pt it moce vołume. Leave the chctt rei enpaśntcd foe now.
How to
Point a Stone Fa>