Slip stitches to dp needlc. With right side up, pick up 134 stitches along thc right side of the Center 5quarc (4 stitches from faggoting, 126 from the Center Square, 4 from faggoting).
Tronsition: Returning to the corner piece, work the 2-row Tronsition Pattern, knitting the last stitch of row 1 together with one stitch of the shawl.
Lily of thc Volley: Work 264 rows from the Lily of the Valley chart, 12 start up rows, 20 fuli repeats of thc 12 row pattern (3 repeats shown on chart), and the 12 end rows, knitting the last stitch of the border together with one stitch of the shawl.
Tronsition: Work the 2-row Transition Pattern, knitting the last stitch of row 1 together with one stitch of the shawl. ( 33 stitchcs left on needle)
Spider Web: Work the 34-row Spider Web Pattern.
K 1 row, P 1 row decroasing 10 stitches evenly across row: (PI, p2tog)2 times; p2; (p2tog, pl)5 times; p2tog, p2;(p2tog, pl) 2 times. (23 stitches). Do not bind off
Loosely cast on 8 stitches, work in Faggot Pattern for 46 rows, knitting the last stitch of each right side row together with one stitch from the top of the Spider Web corner. Place the remaining 8 stitches on a stitch holder. Do not break yarn.
Pick up 134 stitches along the top of the Center Squarc as you did for the right hand border above.
Pick up 17 stitches from the left hand edge of Spider Web Corner. Place 8 stitches from holder back on the needle.
Row 1: work 8 stitches in Faggot Pattern . Knit 17 stitches along Spider Web Corner inereasing 8 stitches evenly: (KI, (yo, k2) 8 times); ending with kl tog with 1 stitch from top of center square. (33 stitches across Corner) Turn
Row 2: Purl, purling through the back of thc loop on the yo stitches; then work the last 8 stitches of the Faggot Pattern.
Lily of the Volley: Work 264 rows from the Lilly of thc Vallcy Pattern as abovc Tronsition:
Work 8 st of Faggoting, K 24 stitches, kl tog with last stitch from top of Center. P across the Lily of the Valley section, evenly decreasing 8 stitches: (p2tog, pl) across.
Place these 17 stitches on a holder, work 8 st of Faggot Pattern.
Repeat oncc morę from **** . After Repeat: leave all 25 stitches on needle.
Finishing. Pick up and knit 25 stitches along the edge of the ls* corner.
Kitchener together with the 25 stitches from the bottom border.
Work in all tails and błock.