f £uv-fr* Ht J Litke.
ra/ iUf £<r/ £«rł cni ThO.
35 Miles per hour
m Mile* for a DcUar
85 to 100 Mile* to the galion
that requires no mortgage on your home
Tbe desire to mc*or hss ©ften hem grattficd «t n cw out of «U proper* tion to mcoir.c and *Av:ngs.
Słxty per colt of the auto«»bi!c* corry ooe person only. Hundreds ot cmrun arc buytag NERACARS and »*ving moncy.
Ttausaiuls ©f men and womer. wbo nced motor tronsportuticei bot could not afTocd it *re turning to the NERACAR.
Herc m econoimcdf, cteen, safe, effi-cknt truupCftAtkffl ot lowest poosi-Me cost. Smali invc*tmc«it—no largc Insurance no caryce erpeme. Ksdc in any cłothmg—r»o bar to atraddle— fcct on ground at start and stop. Clirr.b any hill.
NERACAR riding ii <xhilnrnting imd liraltliful -bcings roso to your chccks.
Kccp out of doors, get to your work feelłng fresh—return hccnc wltbout a grouch by *voidi&g dirty. germ-la den Street cors.
Wr.i* for fwrtkuUrt and iucm <i niumt JciWr.
192 So. Ccdde* St.
Dealers! Write for our Plan.
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