Amigurumi Worlde
What eon be better than a smiling dessert? I bet you they-re smiling becouse you eon make as many cupcakes and ice-cream cones and cafe eon ieebe eups as you want and never, ever gro w tired of looking at them . . . and ihey know it. (Tbey make great pincushions. too!)
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ntrrSMcD stzei
Cafe eon Leche cup: Approx 134"/4.5 cm tali Cupcake: Approx 2"/5 cm tali Ice-cream cone: Approx 3‘^"/8.25 cm tali Depending on your tension and yam cfioice, finished sizes may vary.
Worsted-weight yarn in blue. tan. bright pink, light pink. and brown Size F/5 (4mm) crochet hook 6 mm plastic eyes with safety backings Smali piece of pink craft felt Sewing thread and Sharp needle Black embroidery floss and tapestry needle Smali seed beads in assorted colors for cupcake Fiberfill or stuffing of your choice
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