Crochet Borders&8
Notę: Nothing could be easier than this single crochet border. Change the striping sequence and/or the number of rounds for never- ending variations on a simple theme.
Base md, each side: Any multiple.
Begin in anystitch.
Rnds 1-5: Ch 1, sc in each sc around, płacing 3 sc in each corner st, join with slip st to first sc, tum. Fasten off at the end of Rnd 5.
YARN C0L0RS Base rnd: I Rnds 1 and 5: ■ Rnds 2 and 4: ■ Rnd 3: ■
vf + + + + ++++++++++++++#++ + + + + fy ■+\t + + + + + t + i + + t + +++ + + f>f+ + + +
+ + ++++++++++++++#)■+ + + trh+
++++t+++++tł+++#f+ +fJA--^X+ ł++ + t+++++++++f t + fy^
+ t + + + t + + + -H)5 <R+++++ł+t+ ++++++++++01 2|}t+++++++ł+ +++++++++-tj)i
Any Multiple
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