bct heavy toe

bct heavy toe

Aviation Packagefrom Aviation Unit of Action

-3.8K Soldiers










Brigade Troops

Armed Recon

Combined A mis

Strike Battalio n    Suppoit Battal io n

UA Headauarters

-    Increased Staff

-    C2 Enhancements

-    Deputy Commaider

-    Special Ops^Civil Affairs

-    Aviation & Air Def ense

Combat Maneuver & Recon Capabilities


- Security Flatoon j _MJjtaf £ PoMce_PI ioon

Signal Company

- Communic^ions/Ndwork Operations Support_




14X 120mm Mortar Carriers

4 Tank Conpanies 3 Recon Troops 4 Mec hanized Companies 2 Sc out Platoons

2 Mortar P latoons O uer 85 B radey Sc out & Irfantry Fighting Vehicles


Long-Rangę Advanced Scout Sur\eillaice System

2 SniperSections


Joint Fires Celi 3 x Joint Tactical Air Control Tms (CA and Armed Recon Battalions)

16 x 155mm Howtzer (2 Batteries)


Maintenance Company

Distributio mpany

Medical Compary

Intetligence & Suryeillance Capabilities

Mlitary Intel Co.

-    htelligence Integra ion & Anelysis

-    Humań Intel ligence Capabilities

2 x UAV Platoons

-    Armed Recon/Strike

-    Corrpeny UAVs

Multi-Sensor Unit

-    'terious sensor cepabilities

Maneuver Support

Chemical Recon 12 EngineerSquads Vehicles (2 E ngr Companies)

Yerious Eguipment

Target Acouisition

Counterfire and Counter-fvtorter Raders

4Forvuard Support Companies (prouide maintenance and other support to battalions)

Target Acquisition


Battle Command: HetworkedBattleCommand Enabling Systems (uarious systems which enhance situational & terrain awareness, transmit reports'orders, and exc hangę mission essential Information).


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