Make up the b-ody and wings of cach U--uled in$w scp.»r.ucly.
Maierials reąnlred
• 6Q(i» (2-firt) ibin wir* for
• imali ginu Inads irt assorted
mstgl) ly SCcni (2Ctti) ribhóSi
• I butron
© ©
To make the wii»g*
FoHow the pottems vhown belo* Qf*d on pQ$C 1 0. ThrweJ 0^ »hc fiest xow of Łcads and slidc rhem to tho contrę of the \»irc. Pick up
the ncxt row of beods on oać fcnd of the wir* ond foko the other end of the wirc throogb. crosv n<j injidc PuH wirp t^t- Contćnue in this war Lcorc rhc ckccss wir* to* otfoch lh* wings to tho body
To make the body
Folłow rhc pottccns sbo**n b-dow and on pog« 10. Start at the bas* (buttcrfly) or hcod (dragonłfy) ar>d folłow the somc prtcM o* for the wings (sec step 1). To make the ontennoc, thrcod sevcn boods on •o poch v»ire( loop o>*or firvo% beod
and go ba<k through the firtt six beods. Twńt the wiro tóght and trim
Atscmbling tho imcct
Atfroch eo<h wir»9 to the body by łwistingi the cx<c*$ w»*c -on cither sidc of o row of beods
Tb Ottach the dragonfly *o the brooch rmMJnt or hoirelip, wind the cxcm nctgl wire arpund rhc roount ond sccurc with o littHj gkic For Ute butierfly use a littlc extro wire- ond secu/c with gluc.
To rPOkę the cho-ker
5e* the i moll butterffy (sec page 10) on to tho ttbfcott. To faifon. sew o buHon at one end ól fh* ńbbon ond o buttonholc dec oroted with beods ot the other end
O- . O"
2. Start wo*k oh yhi wmuny
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Ute tbac pattems «ii m^rr«irR»v/or jtwir o*u-n mmfy Work out nm deugm
uf uj rtii pj/vr.