o Im (39 'm) nylon ihrcad v smali glass beads b roJigbly 30 jaceicd beads (0.6cm ('/dn) ni diatmicr)
• J2 facetai beads (3mm (rJtiń)
tu dumie ter) or novclty smali glaa beads o i novehy bulion
o rougbly Im (6fi 7in) nylon
- 2 fairly wcigfay beads or
- smali giass beads
* facctcd beads (O.ócm ('/sin) and 3mfń (>/si»i) in dianie ter) in assorted colon rs
Thfcad fiftćcn smoli ęloss beads ło the centro of tKc thread. Tbrcad a largo focctcd bcod on to cech -end.
Cross, tbc fwo tfircadf insnfe a smoli facetęd bcod; tłllj will OCt 05 *hę ccntrc ot 1hc flowcr. Ttircad o lorge focctcd bood on ecch ctuf
O Rcpeat thi« próccss. tbrcodmg smoli gloss beods on eoch end, between flowcrs.
.} To firush tbc bracelet., aftach o but ton with a d$vblc knot ond tokc 3cm (ll/«in)i threed back thrgygh the bcod* on each sidc
Focctcd beods
***—-----3 >
I St akung 0«f
2. fmr fiomtJt.
O Threod a droplct bood to the centrę of the threod. Knot it, then folio-w the instroctiom for the brocclct until you reoch the desired lcngthr roughly 1 2m (4ft).
O Scturc tłK 5CC0nd larg* becd with o knot ot the other end ond tako 3cm (1 »/Jn) tbrcad back through the b«0di 6n Ooch sidc.
m ^ .-W ■* *Q • — _ -AC
O O o o o *
Ia. Stakting Off
3. ANO 4 . TmtAOtNG OH THI
li. First nera.