These cieccranons are macie oł c very salty dough anc will lasf anc iast through many Christmasses.
You’11 need:
8 heaped tablespoons of plaln whiłe flour 6 heaped tablespoons of salt Acrylic or gouache paints Brushes
Polyurethane varnish White spirit and washing-up llquld for cleaning the brushes Candles
For the tree trees only:
An egg and a tablespoon ot cold water
1. Mix the salt and tlour together very thoroughly ano gradually add enough cold water to make a stiff dough. Add morę flour if it goes a bit stretchy.
2. Knead it for ren minutes. Kneading means pummelling it about on o floury surface; you should like doing that.
3. To make a candleholder. roli out a piece of dough and cut It mto a circle with a large
circular pastry cutter. or by placing a glass on top and
4. Wet the centre of the circle and press a lump of dough on it. Press a candle into this and then remove it. Push your thumb against the outside of the lump to help it to join on to the base.
5. Cut out holly leaves from rolled-out dough and fix them to the base with water and a few pinches here and there. Add some smali rolled balls of dough for berries.