6. Place on a łoił dish and cook for about Wz hours at GOS Mark 11/2. 145*0 or 290;F
7. When it has compietely cooled. pamt it. How abour a black base. with red berries and green leaves'? Then. when fhe paint is dry, give it a coat o f varnish, and be surę to clean fhe brushes well afterwards.
8. To make trees, cut friangles which have a little stem on the bottom. Then snip smali pieces ail over the friangle part with scissors to look llke fhe ends of branches. Bakę them as for fhe candleholder. but before you do. paint them with a glaze madę of the beaten egg and water. Poke a tiny hole in the top just before they go into the oven, and renew it when you take them out.
9. Thread narrow red ribbon through these holes for hanging on the tree.
10. EXTRA IDEA: In the section on Christmas wreaths there is a suggestion for a cardboard wreath. You could make the same thing out of dough it you liked.