Fit the tikirt in place on the front and rear elips.
Mark and tram location of thr upper mounting, point.?; looated between the door aperture frames
Rnrriovr the ski rt,pul 1 i ng i t t.owards the front of t-he vehicle and driLl the mounting, points to a dianeter of 6 men.
Inject a product for protecting hol Iow sections into the sili.
AppJy seal Ing ciastic to the edge of the mounting holes and refj the skirt..
Secure the upper part of the skirt using elips (4):
- 7 elips fon B and 1. versions
- 6 elips for version C.
Srouro the 1ower part of the skirt using 4 5 mm plasti pins (5) .and 4 retaining elips (6).
Fit the back piąte (7) in place and secure it usin.g the