Adjustinq the Front Latchns
Adjusting the Aide Eccentrics
Adjusting the Latch Retaining hooks 4
ReLease the hood latclies.
Loosen th* hexagon screw <A).
Engage the hood jatches.
Chechj and adjus-t, t.ho polnts whoro:
- the hood make3. contact urith the windscreen upper cross ctiember.
- tJhR hoortmakes contact- w.ith the
front Windows*
The: eccentrics are used to adjust the pressur^ b^tweeni the ot th* fi we
and the front and rear Windows.
HAlf Op£n the hood*
Remove ‘the covei froin the sccew heads* Loosnn thn hesagan screw on. the eccentric*
Adjusting :
Arrow A* Increasing the pressurrf Arrow E: Eeducing the preusure.