l ł-nCdlz 2-6.
I * mąh of thrcad .ind place a r on c*ch cnd.
I on onr Im-.id and pau cuch
i i!tro'jjih ihe dde bead of the i fartem on eadi cnd. Suini; I on one netdlc. p.i» the ! throufth it front Ihc : direction. and puli tnnjly.
> nrciilc thiough tlić ncvt •dc bcadi and repeat nddinfl a L aj -ii Ryurc 2-7.
£k - e-Needlc Right-Anglc Weave
r-5<e a lubo o* your nghe- Q Q
.a. aii n6« to laca ł» pece O O O O
*65n3S «P/s aOl
I - rrvl« nmund to ihey mcci 0^0
| i s^ortw row.
■jis s-ould Ukc to doerrace your piece by one upiorę, lwi out lo ihc cnd of a row, bhnging your tlurads oul Ihc r ihc thicad* l«atk through the IdH wpłatę.
you mmr tu the ncxt »qu«rv. w one h»tk throuph it you arc tuminn the corncr. i 't tarn rcady U* hoęin pkc irv s^uarc of rlte chor ter Ve Fijuic 2 S If you want »drvfea<e bv moro than ooc ■fc—i'u will luic to work )kt throujih morę squan»
-: ")U itait yout deertute.
Aoang a kingtf row:
To inerease the łcngllt of a row, wcavc your
ilirrads <o they come out Ihc cnd IwoJ.
Slrinjt on three bcad> and tum the corner J1 umai, as m ltyurc 2-9. If you want to iiKrruu* by moce than one squarc. do the number of vjuarc« you ntnl and lurn the coc ner u u»ual.