v'\ :i
1Ę., ..Oroii^ai nmbers from "yirst" to ajre included
iii tyirtfŁiUtrh-ib^ti r” 1 order in the dictionaiy*,
*hirty fiwt-riust sirailarly be cyphered by two grcups using the group Tor "PolioYrLiig is ai: D.riinal nunibęr",
jixar:iple:- ( (i, ?oIloT7iitg i3 an ordinal nunsber
iiĄetieth (.
Tłrrfcffr^ A dęty* rf * ywił—Ag* pgaviflad o»-pages 105“105.
21. A word or nanie, lor wlik.h no group is providod in the book, must be cyphered by meiui? of my min of thn Spelling Tabln*(j»ftgBQ liii 131), t
frflgh.m |
ppefiiną n
23, The use oJ^tspclliiig table rnust ho iiulioH.fcMl by one of the “ bpelling Jntrodnrtory Groups *' iminediattjly proc cdi ng the tablc. Tliese groups im lic ale both tlie fai:L nf Lts use and*i^ 11 rad Tliny -ilnn nlmiw the mmi ber of leLluis in the word being apelt*
W C K.r Qp»IW^ jj ?flrl 1 -fAjn *■■ ŁJEJr
OCłArt |
&y vr* v w r* v r* t t | |
ww |
ttfo By liiiTidMag^bŁ. wroni 11 ji il.ua i Ł/Łk^ffiYjn a yariatian entading tho nrn nf imhraly
rttgflrtiTił QTmi|W 1P -HŁŁfj^ iH^ŁiŁ-aiami*^ Ky iipiwfl
tyyhiraJ >n %
26, If the same word has to lin spelt morę than once in the same message l>revity<t*^HelŁ*fc MWatiaaiklt&aAfitt^should be ob-fained by employiug out: «f U10 gronpa for *'Repcat geographical narac already spclt,J or *'Repeat word already spett commencing with. **' instead ni spelling out the word again trom one of the ta bies.
* Htre tnszrt a gtaup indicaltng the Letter: ii musi be iaken from the Dictionary of the cyphPT and 7U)( ffom the Spflling Tablet.
27. AU messages^, igra wpij axc before dcspatch to be
recyphered by the Tables s jpplitnl witli this cyplicr.
2g. The process of rccyphcring źs to be cajried out as tlie finał pTOCOSS—f^1( alter the message has been written out in gr:n:]>s ofWsttoMS figures,