2.6 Academic year 2005/2006 całendar:

Academic year lasts from l* October to 30"1 September following całendar year arid consists of two terms/semesters: winter and summer, two periods free of classes preceding winter and summer examination sessions. Detailed academic year organisation is defrned by the Rector at least two weeks before new academic year starts 4

Each semester lasts 15 weeks on average (full-time studies) and for external studies (extension studies) 9 meetings in a semester are planned.

Winter semester: 01.10.2006-28.02.2007 Classes: 03.10.2005-28.01.2007 Christmas break: 23.12.2006-02.01.2007 Exam session: 29.01.2007-14.02.2007 Semester break: 15.02.2007-21.02.2007 Resit session: 19.02.2007-28.02.2007 Rector’s days: 13.10,2, 10, 12.11

Summer semester: 01.03.2007-30.09.2007 Classes: 01.03.2007-17.06.2007 Easter break: 06-10.04.2007 Exam session: 18.06.2007-06.07.2007 Semester break: 07.07.2007-30.09.2007 Resit session: 10.09.2007-30.09.2007 Rector’s days: 7.04, 10.04, 02.05

Meeting dates for external students in the winter semester

lst year:

MA 5 years' studies „intemational relations”

BA 3 years’ studies „economics”

BA 3 years’ studies „european studies”

MA complementary studies (Academy graduates and graduates of other high schools) 4lh year MA 5 years’ studies “intemational relations”

22.09.    - 24.09.2006

29.09. -01.10.2006

13.10. - 15.10.2006

27.10. -29.10.2006

17.11.    — 19.11.2006

01.12. -03.12.2006

15.12. - 17.12.2006

12.01. - 14.01.2007

26.01. -28.01.2007

2nd year:

MA 5 years’ studiem „intemational relations”

BA 3 years’ studies „european studies”

MA complementary studies (Academy graduates and graduates of other high schools) 31*1 year MA 5 years’ studies “intemational relations”

3rd year BA 3 years’ studiem „european studiem”

See - study Regulation § 5.



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