Note 2. Before a vowel the letter r is pronounced:
poorer, surer, plural mral, jury, junst
purer, fury, purist, furious, curious, mu rai, during, purify
Note 3- Instead of [ua], [jua] English people often use [oa], [joa], or even [o:], [jo:]. Thus, many of the above words have three possibl' pronunciationg:
poor [pua, poa, po:| pure Ipjua, pjoe, pjo.j.
surę [/ua, /oa, /o:] cure [kjua, kjoa, kjo:]
plural [pluaH, ploarl, plo:rl] curious [kjuarias, kjoarias, kjorriaa]
Note 4. [ua] and [jua] must at any ratę be distinguished and differentia from [u:] and [ju:]:
boo boor pew pure
moo moor Kew cure
es- c. Diphthong |ea)
§ 57. This sound occurs in hair, hare, farę, bare. In this diphthong V glide starts with a sound which is just a little morę front than Polish e,: intermediate between [e] and [*], and it ends with [a]. In contrast W| [ia] and [u»], the first element is aiightly prdonged, whereas the seff element is mereły marked, especially in words where another syfi1 foliowa. The letter r is not pronounced unless followed by a voJ
air, hair, fair, pair, chair, stair, affair, repair, despair dare, care, hare, farę, share, stare, declare, aware, prepare careful, careless, haidesa, airlesa, faimess, farewell
Note 1. In the position before an r which is pronounced, [ea] soundsl similar to Polish e, but [r] is different (flapped):
aiiy, hairy, dairy, fairy, vary, Mary, parents, fairest, rarest.
Also compare:
Note 2. [ea] should be differentiated from [a:]:
air err pair purr hair her fair fur
Nuli! 3. Also [ei] and [es] should be differentiated. [ei] starts with n mnsiderably closer [e]:
hair may marę
pair clay Clare
dare bay bare
jr l The combination of [ei] with [s] is commonly levelled to [e»].
t Tlili u, in play, gay, there is [ei], but player, gayer are pronounced with nr [ce]. The word prayer in the sense of worship is pronounced hut in the sense of a person praying it is [preia].