Notę Z Before a vowel the letter r is pronounced: poorer, suier, plural, niral, juty, juiist purer, fury, puriat, furioua, eurious, mural, during. puńfy
Notę 3- Instead of [ua], [jua] En^ish people often use [oa], [joa], or even (o:J, [jo:]. Thus, many of the above words have three posablr
surę [/ua, /oa. Jo:] plural Ipluari, ploari, piotrl]
euie |kjua, kjoa, kjo:] cunous [kjuarias. kjoarias, kjo:rias]
poor |pua. po a, po:| pure |pjua, jgoa, pjo;^
Notę 4. [ua] and [jua] must at any ratę be distinguished and differentiated from [u:] and [ju:]:
boo boor moo
c. Diphthong |ea]
§ 57. This sound occurs in hair, hare, farę, bare. In this diphthong th« gjide starta with a sound which is just a litde morę front than Polish e, j.» intermediate between [e] and [«], and it ends with [a]. In contrast willi [ia] and [ua], the first element is slighdy prolonged, whereas the secon4 element is merdy marked, especially in words where another syllaliT follows- The letter r is not pronounced unieś followed by a voyra| Eaamples:
lir, hor, fair, pair, chair, stair, affair, repair, despair dare, care, hare, farę, ahare, stare, declare, aware, prepare careful, carelesB, haiiiesa, airiesa, faimess, farewell
Notę 1. In the position before an r which is pronounced, [ea] sound- v»r|l simOar to Polish e, but [r] is different (flapped):
airy, hairy, dairy, fairy, vary. Mary, parents, fairest, rarest.
Also compare:
ENGUSH: bearer - POLISH: bera Notę Z [ea] should be differentiated from [a:]:
should be differentiated. [ei] starts with
lnie 3. |
Also |
[ei] and |
[es] |
n.nsiderably closer [e]: | |||
lUy |
stair |
ray |
rare |
hair |
may |
marę | |
I l>»> |
pair |
clay |
Cl are |
d.y |
to |
bay |
bare |
lilie 4. |
The |
combination of [ |
vith [a] is commonly levelled to [es], in play, gay, there is [ei], but player, gayer are pronounced with ir [es]. The word prayer in the sense of worship is pronounced but in the sense of a person praying it is [preia].