What is 'research'?
'A systematic process of inguiry consisting of three eiements orcomponents:
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2. The dFfference between research and actiort research.
Action research is a kind of research which is 'carried out by the practitioner'(rather than university-based researchers) and 'incorporate an element of intervention and change'(Nunan).
"Action research invoives the collection, artalysis and reporting of Cc se data' The terrn 'action research' directs attention to the importance of empirical data [rather than just using intuition] as a basis for reffectivefy improving practices."(Lliiat,1991) "Action research: research carried out by tcachers on phenomen in their own classro ms" (P. Ur: 328)
"Action research is the narne given to a series of procedmres teachers can engage in, perhaps hecause they wish to improve aspects of their teaching, or, altemative!y, hecause they wish to evaluate the success-or/and appropriacy of certain activitie:> and procedures." (Harmer 2007:414)
" The main criterion for 'action research' is that it should be addressed to practieal problems and should have pracfica! outcomes." (Waltace: 56)
' Action research is used [..,] to referto teacher-initiated classroom investigation which seeks to increast the teacher's unde tanding of classrocm teaching and learning and to bring
about change in dassruom practices" (in Richards: 12). rictiod «óearcłi ~ ~>®-> <?°?°*
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_ (Aliwright and Baily, 1991)
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The fundamenta) aim ofac1 >n research is to imarove practice rather than to produce knowi. dge.'(iElliot,1991)
'Both product (i.e. learning outcomes) and process (i.e. the teaching process) rteed to be jointly considered when attempting to improve practice. Processes need to be considered in