

Stephen Leacock

**Softening the Stones for Children”

What is the major proposition of the essay? Is it stated dearly in the text? Is it restated? Mark '    fragment(s) in the text if possible.

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How is the main proposition supported? Paraphrase minor propositions.

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3.    List all the kinds of stories/books for children mentioned in the essay.

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4.    What is the modem altemative for traditional stories for children mentioned by Leacock? What is his attitude to it and what are his arguments?

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5. Is tbere any concession in the essay?

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6 Up to paragraph 31 what regularity in the structure can you noticc? What is the modę of development used by Leacock? Mark proper fragments in the text.

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7. Gne three most effective examples of the use of irony in the text. Mark proper fragments in

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Qaoce three euphemisms from stories for children cited by Leacock and their realistic*




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