The following books havt bcen sdectcd for refcrencc bccausc they all contributc somediing of value co one or other aspect of che hiuoty of fueJameci, even chough somc conuin inaccuracin or viewi which laccr knowlcdgc hu rendered icwnlid.
Amdrosio de Morałes, Lasaatigfkkistde latekiaJts JeEtpana, Alcalade Henares, i J7j BONDAROY, Fougetocuc de, ‘An de Travaillcr la Cuin Dora ou ArgencA', Dcscriptfon Ja Arts et Mititrs, Pani, 1762
Clouzot, Henn, Cuirs Dłrnitt, Parii, 1925, Vol. II (or che Gennan edidon, Gettlnnikkte LeJererhetten, Berlin, n.d., Vol. H)
Davillif.r, Baron Charla, Notes tur leteulrs Je CorJoue, Paris, 1870 (or the Spanish edidon, NoUt totre lot Cuerot Je Córdoke, GuoJemtdles Je EtpeHe Ele., Cerona, 1879)
Diderot and Albmbhrt, EtuyelopJdk, tm: VoL V. $4 (1755). and Supplemem II. 71} (1762); płaca iPUntbes III. Btnr(i76j). and SmteJe RteemIJe LHmebes, 120(1777) Doormam, G.. Petom far Imotdmi m At NeAeHmJs Jurt■/ At SutenA, SeueutreuA mi ĘfiteaA Cesturies, The Haguc, 1942. PP* 47~54 Doorsłaor, G. van, TentoontttUmi OmJe Mabelst KmstiujirtrbeJen, Malina (Mechelin), *954.PP'74"«
EntWIŚLE, £. A., Tbe Boolc of Wellpsper, 1954
Ferrandis Torres, D. Jod, introducrion 10 the Cetabfo Ilustruje Je lu Expusidm Je Cmi* tuua 1 GmJmtau, Madrid, 1955; also CmeJemitia, Diseurto, Real Academia de Bdlas Arta de San Fernando, Madad, 1945
Fiorayanti, Leonardo, aDeU’ Arte di Córami d’Oro c ma Fanura’, DeBo Spettbie J Seretu Uiurertele, Venice, 15O7, Book I, diaps. 41,92. The an was ako praised in much the same cerem by Garzoni, Thomaso, in Piezze Uduerstle A Twete le Sama, Flocence. ijflo. «JO
Garzoni, Thomaso, set Fi or a v a nti, Leonardo. above
Hot h, R. *£nglish Chinoiscrie Gili Leather’. Burłmpem Mepzine, VoI. LX XI, I9S7 P- *J LeiSS, Josef. ‘Lcdcitapeten’ in Tupeten (ed. Heinrich Olligs), Bcunswick, 1970, VoL 1,45. Lenycon, Francis, ‘Gik Leatha Rooms’, Art Journal, 1911,281 ff.