Static Data Dictionary Views

The data dictionary views are called static views bccause they change infrequcntly, only when a change is madę to the data dictionary. Examples of data dictionary changes include creating a new table or granting a privilege to a user.

Many data dictionary tables have three corresponding views:

■A DBA_ vicw displays all relcvant information in the cntirc databasc. DBA_ views are intended only for administrators.

An example of a DBA_ view is DBA_TABLESPACES, which contains one row for each

tablespace in the database.

■An ALL_ vicw displays all the information acccssiblc to the currcnt user, including information from the schema of the current user, and information from objccts in other schemas, if the current user has access to thosc objects through privileges or roles.

An example of an ALL_ view is ALL_TABLES, which contains one row for every table for which the user has object privileges.

See Also:

■"About Indexes" on page 8-20 Managing Views

Managing Schema Objects 8-25

■A USER_ view displays all the information from the schema of the current user. No special privileges are required to query these views.

An example of a USER_ view is USER_TABLES, which contains one row for every table owncd by the user.


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