Some RDS radio stations transmit regional programs, They can be allocaled to each radio slation key so ihat allematiYe trarvs-rrfitter frequenclee should be selected lor only those reęlonal programs previOu&ly heard,
Keepthe radio station keys depressed, i.a. [1] to [6] O , for ttiose whicłi are lo ba allocated to regional programs, until the contif-rnation signal is glven.
"REG ONr will be dlsplayed.
Repeat thc same steps to deactivate ttiis fo nclion.
"REG OFF" will bo displayed,
The tonclions for traffic radio ara inicmatio-nal and ara designated by the symbol TP = Traffic Program. Reception of a radio sta-tion with Iraflic is shown on the display by the symbol nTP".
■ Select VHF waveband,
■ Depress koy [TP] ®,
The symbol TTPFis shown on Ihe display. The symbol 7 ps shown on the display wtien search is boing conducted or if ihe recepton of the radia station is not pos-sibla.
Wtisn a CD is being played, the play-baok is interrupted by traffic announcemenls.
The trattic radio function (TP) car al&o ha aclivated during CD play-back. Ir thls case. the deaignalion of thc radio slation last heard is diaplayed tor 5 seconds. If Ihe reception had been that of a radia stalton nol transmitting traffic radio, Ihen ihe stron-gest traffic radio transmitler will be sear-ched.
ff liaHic Tadio is activated and a trarsmitler is selected r>ot iransmitting traffic radio,
(hen the strongest iraffic radio transmitter will be searched,
With the automatic radio station memory actwated by the [AS] $ key; the sweep will bc continued until at least ono traffic radio transmitler has beenfound, provided the traffic radio function has boen activated beforchand. After memorizing, the radia will switch over la a memory slot with a Iral-lic radio iransmitter, proYided there isone avai labie.
Depress the [TP] keyagain, Ttie Symbol 7 /'will no longer be displayed-
II a traffic announcemeri! <s given, Ihe but-lon [TP] most be depressod twicc in order to rieactivate the traffic radio.
The alternatives TP an or TP uff are not memorized whan altooating transmitter&to thc radio station keys.