

"Doos a god exist? This qucstion has undoubtcdly beon askcd. in one form or anothr.*r. sińce man has had lho ability (o communicate.... Thousands of vol-umes have bocn written on ihe subject of a god. and «he vast majoriły have an-swored lho rjuestions with a resoundtng 'Yes!* "

“You aro aboui 10 read a minority yiewpoim."

ilh ihis iningumg introduction, Georgc H. Smith scls out to domolish what ho ronsiders lho most widespread and desiructive of all lho mylhs dovisod by man, lho conccpl ot a supremo being. With painstaking scholaiship and rigorous arguinonts. Mc Smith examincs. dissccts. and cołutos lho my nad " proofs" of-terod by thoisls— tho dofonsos ot sophisticatcd. profosśionaf thoofoguns as woli as lho asetage coligious layman Ho ocploces tho historiral and psyc hological hasm wrought by roligion in generał—and condudes that coligious boliet can-noł havc any płaco in tho lifo of modern, rational man.

"U rs not my purposo tocortwrł pcdplo to atheism... (but to) domonstrato that tho bolid in God is irrational to lho point of absordity. Ił a person wishes to continuo beliesmg in a god. that is his prorogative. but ho ran no longcr ex< uso his belief in tho namo of coason and morał necessity." "Georgo H. Smith has dono a splondid jobof analysis....oneof tho bost sonesof argumonts against lho existence ot God I have osor read."

—Corliss Lamom

"A radiantly honost book. cardullyreasoned and scrupukmsly fair. Ihisisoncof tho few books I havo read in recent yoacs aboul which I can honoslly >av: Don'l tako ms word lor il. got tho book!"

—Paul lilanshard

"Should Ih* lakcn seriously by Christian theologians..."

—The Chrt\ii.w Ceniury

''Smith‘s book should appoal to thoroughgotng rationalists It mas also appoai to such Chnstians as a svelc orno. hard-hilting challenge to their faith "

—Puhltihofs VVeck/v

fong a śUnlont ark/ ac/t-ocafc of the fiberrarian point oI wew. Georgc II Smith yludieiJ phifayophy ai tho ł 'mwryily ol Art/ona He i* jssoriatc etlltor of lho Acjdcmic Assbc/ares Book News. a reviosvor for Books for Libcrtarians. arie/ a ronlribuiofIOReasonmaga/mr //eco-ct/trtificliherurianpcriodicjlInyłctus.

1203 Ktnalngton Av«nu# Buffalo. Naw York 14215

R Promelheus Books


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