Basic Even-Number Flat Peyote Stitch (Gourd Stitch)

This siat: has Bem artuna 'or hundrods ol years and fas sweral raiłeś, among them dagonal. twll goud and Peyoie stech Gara tfilch and Peyote are Ihe mess commcn lerms. The term "Peyote’ is osed by Naftve lYmcncare, to describe bcactoo-k dooo wth tta <ti!cń for reigicus and ceremoniał purpcses. ‘PeyoW s*ems lo be Ihe nosi commn contemporary rano for ths stteti.

There are a number ot vanaiion$ In Peyote tttcłi, but n-oRol the pro/Kts In tis boa*. thrn use Peyote are dcre attti the basie $8Ch, II is an erlremely useW sttch n tead-selling cabatons

The teads In Peyote sdtch »o oliwi iko pa.irg bncte They are stackeo on each other A cołumns uertcally as you rr*s- |he rc«« horizonialty. Becai.se *e beads are oltset by na,* ol 3 bead. rt is easer» oount ihe rtnw co a dagonal.

Basic Hvcn-Number Fiat Peyote


of your piece.

rtr» «*w* r» Pąou mu*”' oorkstfi.

I ■*ing one sirr ol beads. single-thtead your needłe and tic a stop bej*! wiihm 1" of the eml of ynur thread.

Thrcad on 11 bead*. a* shown in Figuro 2-27. Thcse beads will oount as tfie fint iwo row»

Rcfcrrmg a gain to    r^n2}7

Figurę 2-27. pass your

ihrcad through the ihird bead from llłe nrrdlc end. Hołd the ihird bead aś you pass through it.

Puli the ihrcad all tlve wav ______ . _: A0

through so ihai the firn ^ 0 006 O 66 0^, bead is resting on    F>/jrt22t

ihc second bead as in

Figuro 2 2ft. You may hawe lo most ii into posilion

Pick up a not het bead    O OOoSoS*

ss-ith your needle and pass    xr

through the fifth bead,    fQx*22i

as in Figurę 2-29.

Conlinuc in this maimct umil you gci to the end of the row, as in Figurę 2-JO. Push eash set of Iwo l>eads logether to tighten the worfc. You may remos-e tlie stop bead at this time and tic the iwo ihrcad- in a knot ot leave it and wock the taił in Utcr. Notę: Your piece nemr lus an up-and-dow-appearance The beads that stkk up are calied “up beads"


Slringon a ivew bead and pavs through the tccond bead from the end (an up-bcadl. as shown in Figuro 2-31.

String on unotlter bead and pass through the ncxt up bead. Continuc like this lo the end of the row and continui adding beads and rows in this inanner umil you have your desired aze.



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