59193 The Knitters Bible5

59193 The Knitters Bible5

Swiss darning or duplicate stitch

This stitch looks as though it has been knitted into the fabric: it follows the linę of the yam for the knit stitch on the right side of stockinette (stocking) stitch. It is used to embroider smali areas of colour that would be tedious to knit. or to work a colour pattem instead of using fair isle or intarsia techniques. It is also useful for correcting mistakes in fair isle or intarsia. Use the same thickness of yam used for the knitting.Take care to insert the needle between the strands and not to split the knitted stitches. The stitches will appear slightly raised on the surface of the knitting.

Horizontal stitches

Work from right to left. bringing the needle out at the base of the stitch (A). In one movement. take the thread around the top of the stitch by taking the needle down at B and up at C. In one movcment. take the needle down at the base of the stitch (A) and up at the base of the next stitch (D). Continue across the row.

Vertical stitches

Work from bottom to top. bringing the needle out at the base of the stitch (A). Take the thread around the top of the stitch (B and Q and back down at the base (A). This time bring the needle up at the base of the stitch above and continue up the Ime of knitted stitches.

Rosę stitch

Use a thin yam or embroidery thread for the straight stitches and a thicker yam or ribbon for the weaving through them that will cover the straight stitches.

Work five straight stitches in a circle the size of the rosę requircd. all radiating from the central point Thread the needle with the nbbon (or thick yam) and bring it up through the centrc hole. Going round and round from the centre outwards weave under and over the straight stitches until they are completely covercd.


Mountcd on rcady-madc grcctings cards, thcsc simplc knitted patchcs arc swiss damed with a hcart for Valcntinc*s Day and a tree for Christmas.

Valentine and Christmas tree card knitted in sport (4pły) mcrcerizcd cotton yam on we 2 (3mm/UKI I) nccdtes and swiss damed with 12ply silk cmbroKlery thread. Sec page 151 for pattem.


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