Hardware tweaks.
Tonie* UWity Windows <?
Display Adatłor tweaks:
Using tNs feature rf Tweak->P you can easiły tweak your dsplay adapter. ctoose yotr adapter from tbe ba* fc«*w wid dek the 'Tweak Jt I* tut ten. lf your adapter <s not listed, there ara no tweaks avalable for It.
Tweak*XP effers special tweaks to merease tbe performance of your CPU. Choose your hardejare and tweak-R ' Ptease remember tbat youf have to restart Wrdows to make the cKoiges tako effect
|Choose ycu? adapter ... |
▼ |
& Tweak * 1 |
CPU tweaks:
0 Athton Tbjrder Błrd O Athlon O Dur on
O K6-3
O Cyra III
X Disabe CPU tweak l
Intel CPU tweaks: O Celeron A O Celeron II O Pentijm II O Pentijm III O Pentijm III E O Pentum III EB O Pentum 4
J> CD / DVD Tweaks ?<i UDMA66 Modę! Intel Chpsets
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