Filier Motif irr.ak© and jom 475) Ch 1 (center ch), âą ch 5. skip 1 picot k> Ml of jjncSon bet 2 Larg© Mo!*s ol Strip. sc in n©*t pcot oo Larga Motif. ch 5. sl st in certo* ch. cn 6. $c m rmxt p-cot or samo Larga Mott. ch 6. sl st Ćr center ch. ch 6. sc Ćn n*xt fraa pioot o* n©*l large Mon ch 6. sl st in center Ch. ch 5. sc ji next cxxA of sana larg© Mofi*. ch $. sl st in
center ch ⹠rep fron ⹠to ⹠one© ( diagram) Fas'en od
Dcsigr*od by 7etoa Workmari tor DMC Corporation
SC) in next ch-4 toop âą. ryp kom âą to âą aroond Fasten off
Snowtlake C: Ch 7 ano etos© mto a ring wth 1 sl st in tirst ch Rnd 1: (3 oc ch 3) 6 tnr«s in nng Rnd 2: ⹠SI st in
aach ot n©xt 2 Oc. (sl st. ch 3. ? dc c 2 dc. ch 3. sl st) m ch 3 toop. sl sl m i dc âą. rop from âą to âą aroond Faston Rnd 3: WiTh righl tide facing. jom th' in any ch-3 oop bet des, ch i, (3 sc
LEVEL Of DtFFlCULTY: Inter medtote â
MATERIALS DMC Cofce rw a20. Artcto
167 {50 pm. 282 yÄs ©ach b«U): 1 baN white makcs macy. Steai crochol hoo« Si20 12 U.S Ru&tproof p*ns Fabric SM» enar. Wax papar H©avy cardboartl.
MEASUREMENTS: Snowfcatos A C 0 and E « 4 Ir m d<am©ter Snowhaho B ^ 3T<» in In pamator
STITCMES USED: Cham st (chi. Sfcp st (sJ st) Smglc crochat (sc). HaK doobl© crochat (hdc) Doubia crochoi (dc:. Trabie crochot (tr). Picot: « Ch 2. hdc in 2nd ch from hook. ch 2. s* st in san© pĆaca as tost hdc maoa âą
NOTÄ: Always stad witt ch 3 msteaa ol test dc of md. End wth \ sl st in test sc or th.rd (dc) ch at beg oI md
DIRECTĆONS: Snowflske A: Ch 13 and
ctose mto a ring wtfh i sl st in tirst ch. Rnd 1: Ch t. (5 sc. ch 15} 6 limes in rmg Rnd 2: Sl st in n©*t sc ch 1 âą sc m uach o» ne*t 3 sc (8 sc. p*coi. 5 sc. ch 17. sl st in 15th ch trom f>ook to lorm a ring. beg in right sida oI rng ,ust mada. work {3 sc. ch 2. dc, ch 21 5 tlmas in ring 3 moro sc m rmg sl st in ©ach of nwt 2 ch sts. 5 sc. p*col. 8 sc) m nert ch-15 toop. skip neto sc âą. rap trom âą to âą aroond Fasten off
Snowtlake B: Ch 7 and etos© rto a rmg wth i Sl st m »irst ch Rnd 1: (3 dc Ch 3| 6 tmat m ring Rnd 2: âą SI st m ©ach oI naxt 2 dc. (sĆ st. ch 3.2 dc. cn 3. 2 dc ch 3. sl st) in ch-3 toop. sl st in nasi dc âą, rap trom âą to âą around. Fastar otf Rnd 3: Wtn n-gbt sid© tacing jo>n lh'cad In any ch-3 loop 0©t dc"s. (5 dc Ch 7. sl st in 5th ch from hook to lorm a rmg. ch 2. 5 dc. ch 4) in aach ch-3 oop around. Rnd 4: Ch 1. âą sc In oach ol not 5 dc. sc m n©« ch-2 spaÄ©. sc in n«xt ch-5 ring. (ch 3. tr, ch 3. sc) 4 limes m same ch-5 rmg. sc in ncxt ch-2 space sc m oach of next 5 dc. {2 sc. picot. 2 42