Using Coats Chain Mercer Crochet No. 20, each motif is 5.5 cm (2Vn in) sąuare.
Start at A with a ring of 8ds, p, 8ds;
continue from the diagram as shown. Ali chain-to-ring joins are madę by the shuttle thread. To complete the motif, join the finał chain to the first, using the method for connecting a rosette, shown in KNOW-HOW14 (p. 70).
Diag. 38
To avoid tying bali and shuttle threads when beginning work
Ideally, it is best to begin with the shuttle wound directly from the bali in a continuous thread (thus negat-ing the need to tie the two ends), but this is not always convenient.
If the thread has had to be cut for
any reason, it is still possible to begin with a 'continuous' thread, by unwinding a length from the shuttle and winding it back on to the bali again. Begin work, and when the break in the bali thread is later reached, join it by either of the methods given in KNOW-HOW 6 (p. 24) or KNOW-HOW 9 (p. 37).