Using Coats Chain Mercer Crochet No. 20, the tatting measures 2 cm (% in) in width. Rocaille beads are threaded on the bali thread before working the first row. The positions of the beads are indicated on the diagram by black circles.
j lst row
Start at A with a ring of (4ds, p) 3 times, 4ds; rw. Continue from the diagram, slip-ping a bead into position between each of the chains as shown.
2nd row
Turn the lst row upside-down and work in the opposite direction. Ali joins on this row are madę with the shuttle thread.
Figs l(a) & (b) Adding beads to tatting
To add beads to tatting
There are several methods of adding beads to tatting but the most practi-cal way is to thread them on the bali thread before starting work. Each bead is then brought into position when reąuired. A smali bead (or cluster of beads) looks well when placed on a picot (a), or when placed between chains (b). If different col-ours or different types of beads are used, any relevant sequence should be planned in advance, and the beads threaded in reverse order of reąuirement.
It is often inconvenient to thread beads on the shuttle thread as they tend to impede work, but beads can be added to all-ring tatting if each is slipped onto a joining picot before the join is madę. A short length of fine wire can be inserted through the picot to make the task easier, and the picot must be long enough to take the hook after the bead is added.