Using Coats Chain Mercer Crochet No. 60, the edging measures 3 cm (V/a in) in width.
First work the smali corner motif sepa-rately. Then start the edging at A with a ring of (4ds, p) 3 times, 4ds; rw, and con-tinue from the diagram. Ali rings are the same size; all large chains are the same size; all smali chains are the same size. Join to the corner motif as shown.
Figs 7(a), (b) & (c) Making a iveaver's knot
To tie threads with a weaver's knot (or sheet-bend)
This knot is especially useful if a disastrous break has occurred because it can be manipulated with as little as 6 mm (}A in) of thread protruding from the tatting. It is also a knot which can be positioned accurately, wherever reąuired.
Make a loose slip-knot with the new thread, as shown in (a) and (b). Pass the loop of the slip-knot over the broken end, and tighten the slip-
knot carefully by pulling in both directions, (c). The loop of the slip-knot should gradually disappear, drawing the broken end into the knot where it should turn and become securely embedded.
Sometimes a second attempt is needed before the end tums and becomes properly embedded. If it is merely enclosed without turning, it will slip out. Test for security by tugging the new thread before con-tinuing work.