join again to the inner row, 2ds, (p, 5ds) twice; rw and continue from the diagram. Ali outer rings are alike, and all smali rings are alike. Leave minimal spaces between rings G to O. The size of space between ring O and the following ring G is up to you.
Photo 26 Bridesmaids
lst (inner) row
Start at A with a ring of (4ds, p) twice, lds, (p, 4ds) twice; rw. Continue from the diagram as shown. Rings A, B and C are alike.
2nd (outer) row
(using the shuttle thread only)
First work the corner ring separately. Tie to ring E and without leaving a space, work corner ring F of 3ds, join to ring D, (3ds, p) 7 times, 3ds; fasten off.
Start again, with ring G of (3ds, p) twice, 3ds, join to the inner row as shown, 3ds,