Many changes have occured to police forces throughout the twentieth century. Rapid technology developments have effected the way the police work, providing them with new and increasingly morę compłex equipment. Wheres the nineteenth century police officer had neither a radio or a walkie-talkie, reling heavily on a whistle to alert collegues to the scene of a crime; two-way radios had been introduced in the nineteen twenties. This meant that officers couid now communicate with the police station and respond rapidly. The wallkie-talkie, in use from the 1950's, also gave immediate access to fellow officers. Therefore officers dedsions couid now be madę quickly and directly, foliowing a elear chain of command and relying on fest back up. The once famiiar sight of ‘bobbys' patrolling the streets on foot or on bike has largely changed though the use of police cars These enable less officers to patrol larger areas, and to respond qulckly to situations. Helicoptors and light alrcraft, are used by all police forces, prlmarily for tracklng suspects lnvolved In morę serious crimes. Computers and the Intranet are also used for recording and investlgating crimes and suspect details. The inereasing use of electronlc monitoring, such as CCTV cameras, ‘phone tapping' and ‘electronlc taging' have argueably reduced the need for so many officers ‘on the beat. Nowadays few police specialists can monitor, prevent and followup crimes instantly and effectively. Records of mlsslng people, flngerprints and vehłde details can also be accessed and shared by all police forces, through the centralized National Computer Record. The development of forensics testing, such as fingerprlnting, blood sampling and morę recently DNA testing, has like wise aided crime lnvestigations by testing human characteristics on suspects. However, these developments have also aided criminals In averting Identification and capture (see Seclion 5.2 New crimes / New opportunities for old crimes.)
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The principle reason for the follow up meeting le to telk about how we will handle inquiries from the preas. We are already receiving a largo amount of calls from the media, and we want to insure that our statementa compliment our print atrategy. Aa a HIV-AID8 advocacy organization, we muat discretoly manage Information and the affecta of any publicity. H you receńre inquiries you can not handle, just foreword them to Brftta
or myself*