structure in the poem down to what could fit within an utterance was that the Black Mountain poets developed a distinctive style of poetic diction (e.g. "yr" for "your").

The main Black Mountain poets

In addition to Olson, the poets most closely associated with Black Mountain include Larrv Eianer. Robert Duncan. Ed Dorn. Paul Blackburn. Hilda Morley. lohn Wieners, joej Oppenheimer. Denise Levertov. lonathan Williams and Robert Creeley. Creeley worked as a teacher and editor of the Black Mountain Review for two years, moving to San Francisco in 1957. There, he acted as a link between the Black Mountain poets and the Beats. many of whom he had published in the review. Also, the appearance in 1960 of Donald Allen's anthology The New American Poetry 1945-1960 (which divides the poets included in its pages into various schools) was crucial: it established a legacy and promoted the influence of the Black Mountain poets worldwide.


Apart from their strong interconnections with the Beats, the Black Mountain poets influenced the course of later American poetry via their importance for the poets later identified with the Lanauaae School. They were also important for the development of innovative British poetry sińce the 1960s, as evidenced by such poets as Tom Raworth and I. H. Prvnne. Modern projectivist poets include Charles Potts.


CHARLES OLSON (1910-1970), was a second generation American modernist poet who was a link between earlier figures such as Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams and the New IHI American poets. which includes the New York School. the Black Mountain School. the Beat poets, and the


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