1 plomort
2 broftd ttunucription 9 homophone
t homorganic
3 palato-alveolar
10 itreiHimcd
17 lyllable^ttmcd
18 velar
l O voiced 00 aapiration
6 Ja terał plofion 11 na*al ploston
7 narrow tranacription 12 noiwhotic
H nasal is ora i
O pala ta l 14 biłabial
10 voicele»s 16 rhotic
A lenn in photieticsfor the audible breath which may accompany a sound'$ articulation.
An articulation mvolving the bach of the tongue and the soft palate.
A term used in the phonetic classification of speech sounds: it refers to sounds produced while the soft palate is lowered łhere is no velic closure,
A term tn, the classification of the consonant sounds on the basis of their place of articulation: it refers to a sound mad cotnmg together of both lips.
. I transcription that shows phonetic details, by using a wide vanety of symbols and in many cases, diacntics.
A cery generał term used in photietics to characterise the pronunciation oflanguages displaying a particular type of r< certa in languages, it is claimed that the accented syllables recur at regular interuals of time, regardless of the number mtervetiing unaccented syllables.
A term used in English phonology referring to dialects or accents where / r / ispronounced following a vowel.
A generał term in the phonetic classification of speech sounds, referring to sounds which are produced at the same pl articulation.
Pmnounccd uithouł inbrations of the vocal cords during an articulation.
A term used in the phonetic classification of speech sounds on the basis of their place of articulation: it refers to a soi when the front of the tongue is in contact with or approaches the hard palate.