$ ' ■ :• -



Match Column A with Column B. Thcn use thc phrascs to complctc thc sciucnccs betów.



• •

1. (o apply a moisturiscr •

a. with transluccnt loose povvdcr

• . : •

2. to co»cr thc entire face

h. under thc cycs and to blenushcs



3.    to use a conccalcr

4.    to lock in thc foundadon

5.    to dust thc cyclids

c all ovcr thc face d. with a Iiquid foundadon c. with loosc powder

•t* Kf. • . •. , V- ‘

> • 7 ■ /

•M- Im\

6. to apply a powder cyeshadow

f. with water

7.    to motucn thc brush

8.    to covcr thc entire cyclid

g with an cyeshadow basc h. wet


1. First, l’tn going to......................................................

i. •«;

• .

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gw. *

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1    •    '    ' :>

Z Ncxt, I’m going to......................................................

matching in colour thc clicnt’s compicuon.

3.    Thcn, if ncccssary, l’m going to.......................................

to conccaJ skin flaws and defccts.

4.    Aftcr that, IU necd a gcncrous cjuanticy of powder. Personally,

I always tccommend Joosc powder. I always .......................

to prcYent it from smudging

5.    Now, to prcvcnt thc cyc make-up ftom running, I’m going to

..................and only thcn to..................

6.    It is a ample bot cffcctive procedurę. I just..................prior to

appłying thc cyeshadow.

7.    Finally, to lock in and set thc cyc sludow Application, I may somc-


Task 1

Talk about Beata’s dient

Task 2


Using thc informabon containcd in thc tlialoguc and your own know-Icdgc adwsc how to apply makc-up so as to prcveni its smudging and running

Task 3

Act out thc convcmuon.

Task 4


Imaginc any other proWcm(s) a woman can havc with hcr makc-up and develop a simiłar conversaticKi between a makc-up ardst and ha cbcnt.

Dialogue 2

to sonie cjtent - w pewnym stopniu

inugc - wizerunek to make an imptession - wywrzeć winienie ccrtain - pewien to display - pokazywać, wykazywać prinurily - głównie golden-zloty.złotawy undertone - lonoęa dotlie* - ubranie to suit sb- pasować konwi cool - chłodny

Statara (5) <W a dmt (Q

C: Do tell mc Sandra what makc-up colours should I use?

S: It depends to somc cxtcnt on what you want to achtcvc, what image of youtsclf you want to create.

O Do you mean 1 can dange like a camdeon?

S: Not quitc. Aftcr nil you havc a unkjuc personalny you want to cn-hancc. But, on thc other haod, you aiso want to bc scen and to make a ccrtain imptession.

O You’re absolutcly nght I do want to build my image. Having thc nght image hclps in both professional and pctsonal life.

S: Itcertainlydocs. But krt get to the poind Weil... your skrn displays pńmadly golden undertones. To obtain a natural look, you should select lip, eye and blush colours that havc warm undertones, like browns and corals.

C: I do have a lot of dothcs m thcsc colours. Everybody says they suit me but what if I have a special occasion? What if I wanted to look cxquisite?

S: If you wanted to create a high pro/iJe appcarance, choose colours that have cool undertones, hke blues, pinks or wines

C: I’vc ncver lhought about it I’vc nevcr worn these colours vcry much and cerrainly not in makc-up.

S: Thcn, you should tryl Why don’t you arrange a makc-up session with our make-up artist, Beata, just to sec how you will fed and look in such colours

C It might be a good idea. I am no difTercnt from other women. A change can only do me good.

S: We sort of necd changc psychologically, don’t we?


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