Exercise 2

Matcli Coluinn A with Column B. Tlicn usc tlić phrases to com-plctc thc scntcnccs bdow.



1) to tcducc

a) thc cyelashes

2) toadd

b) thc cyclashcs

3) to illuminatc

c) thc shinc in the T-zonc

4) to intenstfy

d) a liint of shinc to the lips

5) to acccntuatc

c) the eyes

6) to outlinc

f) thc cffcct

7) to lengthen

g) thc cycs

8) to yolumisc

h) tląc cffcct

9) to shapc

i) thc image

10) to highlight

j) thc radiancc of chcck bones

11) to enhancc

k) thc mouth

1.    I advisc you to apply somc loose powdei It'U .....................

2.    A cooch of dus glossy cycshadow can ..............................

if you apply it skilfully.

3.    If you want your cyelashcs to kx>k longer, you shoukl usc a mascara


4.    Don’t you think that a perfect makc-up shouki just givc an imprcs-

sion of..................not crcating it.

5.    The application of this lip gloss will.................................

making them look morę sensual.

6.    1 can recommcnd thus blushct. It is very subtle but it does

..................and    this is thc cffcct you want to achieve, isn't it?

7.    The best thing is to fust..................with    a lip pencil and only

then apply a lipstick in thc same shadc.

8.    It depends on what you want to achicve. For cxamp5c, if you feel

bkc..................you may dtaw a bnc around the eye.

9.    This is just the kjnd of mascara for you. It will..................and

make them look thidfer.

10.    If 1 wcrc you, I would usc a contour eycpcndl to thc basc of eye-

lashes to..................

11.    Anothct thing you can do to .................. is to apply the

lightest shadc of tlić eycshadow to thc insidc corncr of thc eye and thc underneath of thc outer cycbrow.

Sandra answcrs womcn'8 Icttcrs in one of popular womcn’* jour-nals. Arrange thc scntcnccs of hcr answcrs in thc propcr order.



Dur Sondn, 1 de netdjenr adria en cbooswg a jeundateoN. I a/rtadj bant tbret and tbej den "t adnaSj make mtJol er kok bttttr. U?bat sbaH Idoł

1.    I suggest you apply your foundaiion with a damp sponge and leavc it for somc 45 minutes.

2.    It’s no good tesung on thc skin of your hand under shop lighting.

3.    Thcn have a good look at yourself in both broad daylight and arti-fićal iighc and decide.

4.    I advise you to ask for samplcs from a make-up counter.

5.    To sec the truć colour and coveragc you must do it at Home.


Dur Sandra, a!l mj fntudi mt bhabtn and hak natura! but not mt. I mmt Im dring mrttbing imng. Canidjen beJpmt, pktutf

1.    Make light, circular mooons over thc appics of your cheeks to crc-ate a natural-looking flush of colout

2.    To get a natural, yet cnhanang, effect of hcalthy gkwing flushed cheeks, load a brush with a blushcr and dust away thc brisdes to get rid of cacess colour.

3.    And remember, thc blushcr should be just a shadc datker than the foundation you usc and it can't be too glossyl

4.    Then apply it to thc cheeks.

Exercise 4

Think of other Icttcrs with other make-up related problcms Sandra might get from readere. Working in groups, writc such Icttcrs, cxchange them with other groups, discuss a possiblc answer and finally writc it.    *


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