Exercise 5

Matdi Column A \vjth Column B. Then usc thc cxprcssions 10 complctc ihc sentcnccs belo w.




a. a defect


b. a blcmish

3. to shape

C. the shape

4. to conceal

d. a feature

5. to correct

e. the eycbrows

6. to cnhancc

f. a blushcr

7. put on

g. thc cyclashcs

8. make up for

h. a foundation

1.    I use thcsc sponge pads and brushes to..................

Thcy help mc spread tlić makc-up cvcnJy and givc che face a natura! look.

2.    Now I'm going to..................of your cyebtows just a lutlc

with a pair of tweezers. As you know, thick eyebiows are now in fasluon.

3.    You’rc absolutcly tighc. IH..................Your eyes will look bet-

ter when thcy are datker.

4.    Don\ woriyl WU..................Just kt mc choose a conccakr

macching your complexion and foundation. Nobody will noticc it

5.    Mother naturę may not be pcrfect but we are herc to..................

any..................and impetfeciions. Just wan till I finish! You

won't rccognije yourselfl

6.    For most of us make-up is just uscd to..................our best

...................not to cteatc a false image.

7.    Shall I..................as usual? Thcy arc a bit too thick. I*d likc to

expose your eyes just a little morę.

8.    l’m going..................on your cheeks. ItTl givc them a radiant


Exercise 6

What is importom to makc-up artists whcn thcy set to work on a clicnt’s makc-up? Complctc thc questions- If you fccl tlicre's a need for motc questions, mote Information, go alicad and add them.

1.    Is thc Client^ compkxion.......................................... ?

2.    What’sthecoloorof    thedjem’s ................................. ?

3.    What*s thc shape of thc dienrt ................................. ?

4.    Is thc cbentfs skin................................................... ?

5.    Are there any skin .....................;.......................... ?

6.    ........................................................................ ?

7......................................................................... ?

Exercise 7

Now cxplain why thc abovc infotmation is impottant to havc an cffcctivc makc-up and tell what you can, should, or must do to achieve thc desired cffcct.

Eiamplc:    Whcn thc dtem^ complc\ion is ple, you can't use a dark

foundation. The foundaoon should match thc cL*cm’s natural complcjcion. Morcow, whcn there is a skin defect you want to hidc, )<ou should find a conccakr włuch matchcs thc natural complcaion and thc foundation applicd perfeedy.

Exercise 8

Rcproducc thc qucstionś asked by thc bcauty therapist.

1.    How.................................................................. ?

1 usually apply dic foundation with my fingertips, just like facial cream.


2.    What colours of cycsliadows .................................... ?

I usually choose light greys. Thcy sccm elegant to me.


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