Ali gamcs playcd in an otficial WU tournamcnt usc thc WU rulcs, alongsidc thc latcst FAQs and rulcs clarifications found at warhammcrundcrworlds.com. In addition, all participants in an otficial WU tournamcnt arc cxpcctcd to know thc following rulcs. You may not want to usc all of thcsc rulcs in your cvcnt (particularly for less forma! cvcnts), but you arc likcly to find it usciul to rcad through them and dccidc which you want to apply. Ihcrc arc additional rulcs in thc Appcndix, under thc Extra Rulcs hcading, that you may find uscful. Whatcvcr you dccidc, you should let thc participants know what is cxpcctcd of them.


A WU tournamcnt should be hcld in a spirit of friendly compctition. All participants. whatcvcr their role. arc cxpcctcd to show good conduct throughout thc tournamcnt. They arc cxpcctcd to treat cach other with rcspcct and bchavc in a maturc and considcratc manner. induding during disputes, and playcrs arc cxpcctcd to avoid unsporting conduct. Abusc will not be tolcratcd. The organiscr can expcl participants from thc tournamcnt for violating thcsc rulcs (sec Pcnaltics in thc appcndix). Playcrs may not scck advicc from any other person during a round. They may. howcver. scck rulcs clarifications from a judge.


Playcrs may only usc Citadd Miniatures in a WU tournamcnt. and all miniatures must be fully asscmbled. Playcrs must usc thc appropriatc miniatures for their warband (the miniatures picturcd on thc fighter cards). Minor convcrsions - modifications to thc miniatures to personalise them - arc permitted (and may cven be cncouraged!) at thc organiscr’s discretion. but must still allow for casy Identification of thc fighter represented by thc miniaturę.

A playcrs fighters must also be idcntifiablc as theirs -playcrs may find thcmsclvcs opposing another player with thc same warband. and to avx>id confusion cach player must be ablc to identify their own fighters without hesitation. Each player can dccidc how they wish to do this - e.g. they could mark the bases in somc way - but thc best way is to paint their miniatures.

There arc a number of helpful tutorials available if yourc not surę how best to go about this: simply visit warhammcrundcrworlds.com to learn morc.


Playcrs may only usc otficial WU cards in a WU tournamcnt. Playcrs may not mark cards or card slccvcs in any way which allows them to identify cards within their dccks.

Playcrs may usc cards printed in a languagc other than English. but each card is assumed to havc the łcxt printed on the English vcrsion of that card. Playcrs who usc cards printed in another languagc and then mislcad their opponent as to the properties of that card may be determined to be cheating by a judge. and may be penalised (sce Pcnaltics in the appendix).

Playcrs may not usc thc prc-rclcase vcrsion of the Conqucst objcctivc card (identified by thc threc glory point icons at thc bottom of thc card).

Beforc cach gamę. cach player must thoroughly shutflc their dccks. then present them to their opponent who can then cut cach deck. If a player bclicvcs that their opponent has not sufficiently shufiled their deck. they may ask a judge to enforce and obscrvc a sccond shufile.

Gamę Boards

Playcrs may only usc otficial WU gamc boards in a WU tournamcnt. When placing thc gamc boards for a gamę. thc playcrs should work togcłhcr to ensure that. after the player who won thc roll-off has decidcd thc battlcficld. both playcrs havc sutficicnt spacc for their dccks. fighter cards and other components.


Playcrs may only usc otficial Warhammer Underworlds dice.

When a player makes a dice roli. they must roli the appropriatc dice in such a manner as to generate a complctcly random result. Dice that are rollcd otf thc tablc or that do not land fiat must be re-rolled.


Playcrs should bring sutficicnt otficial Warhammer Underworlds tokens to a WU tournamcnt for both playcrs in a gamc (the contents of the starter set arc sutficicnt). To avoid playcrs’ tokens getting niixcd up. at thc beginning of each round. thc playcrs should agrcc whose tokens they will usc. Thcsc tokens should be placcd in casy reach of both playcrs.

Playing Area

Each player is rcsponsiblc for ensuring that thc playing area is elear of any elutter. and that the State of thc gamc is elear to their opponent and to a judge. For example: upgradcs must be clcarly associatcd with the fighter card of thc fighter that has bcen upgraded. glory points must be visible and clcarly spent or unspent, dccks should be separatc and distinct from their discard pilcs, and so on. Playcrs suspectcd of dcliberately obscuring cards or tokens in thc playing area that should be visiblc to both playcrs, or of dcliberately obfuscating thc State of thc gamc. may be penalised by a judge (sec Pcnaltics in thcappcndix).


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