Exercise 1

Siudy thc phrascs and usc tlicm 10 complctc thc scntcnccs.

io mainuin the skin in good condiuon • to give the łkin a healthy glow • to preparc the skin for thc acdon of skin products • to ocfolinie the skin gcntly • to balance thc skin's natura) pH • to steani cbe skin • to damę the skin • to moisturise the skin • to nounsh the skin

1.    lt is impottant .........................................................

becausc it u our visiung card. It can tell so much about us.

2.    I can ody assure you that tłus mask wilj ...........................

which we all need at this orne of tlie year.

3.    Of course, you can use a facia] saub at home oncc a week to it-

movc dcad skin cclls and .............................................

4.    1 can rccommend this sctub becausc it u designed speciaUy for

sensitive skin. It will..................without hurting it.

5.    If you use this tonie daily for sonie ume, it will help you

6.    Instead of peding, you can ..........................................

from orne to ume. It’U also improve the penetrauon of skin cate products.

7.    Ncver fotgct to ......................................................

befote putung any cream on in thc cvcning

8.    1 advi$e you to use tlus cteam tegulatly evety night for at least four

wceks to ...............................................................

It has become vety dehydnued indeed.

9.    Some arcas, espccially around the cyes and on thc neck could do

with a nch aeam to..................and unprore its ciasnoty.

Exercise 2

Match Colunin A and Column B. Usc thc phrajcs co complctc thc scntcnccs bclow.



• to rcmovc

an anb-aging agenc

to prcvcm

a feding of lightness and freshness

to cxtnct

proper facial caie


proper penetration of skin carc products


dogged pores


thc layer of trapped dut



t. 1 advuc you to usc this cream becausc it..................

2.    Regular visits to a beauty salon arc recommendcd bccnusc


3.    Steaming is vcry hdpful becausc it..................

4.    Regular cafoliaóon is ncccssary becausc it hdps ...................

5- TO choosc dicse products becausc your oily skin ..................

6.    This ireatnicm should be repcated regularfy becausc it............

..................which will make you fecl bettet

7.    I think youll like this facśal becausc it will..................

8.    The dead skin cells must bc removcd becausc thcy ...............

..................and reduce didr effcct

9.    This mask will also soften your skin, which is ncccssary becausc it

will chen bc casier for mc..................

Exercise 3

Complete thc scntcnccs with the English cquivalcnts of thc Polish phrases given in brackets.

1.    If you...................youll bc perccived as a woman of succcss.

fydąe pem dobrą dbale o moją skfif)

2.    Your skin will nor look dry and unhealthy tf you..................

regularly with a good mouturising cream. (bfdąesz mm/ąu ikóą)

3.    If you..................around the cycs, finc lines and tben wrinkles

will appeat in thc arca. (nu bpiąt pem odąmai skbrj)

4.    Whcn we...................thc cloggcd potts will open and youll

have a fccling of lightness and freshness. (poddaory ikeą paiwa)


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