; • 1

Exercise 1

*    i

Usc thc adjcctivcs given below to complctc thc sentenccs.

brittlc • dull-looking • dcanly gtoomcd • finely wnnkied • dty •


1...................nails may reflect a deficicncy of calcrnm ot iron in.

die organism.

2.    Everybody will notice that your hands atc..................and ap-

preciatc il

3.    lf you wppłcmcnt )Our diet widi vitamini, your nails won’t be so

4...................skin of thc hands can be seen as a sign of aging so

you mus: do someching about it.

5.    Don't you rcalise that such..................calls for somc nourish-

ing crcain?

6.    Haven't you nouccd how..................your hands are? These

fine wtinkles should dcatly tell you that your hands need somc exua care.


Exercise 2

Rcad thc Ust of cosmetics given below. Which of them would you tcconuncnd in each of thc cases below?

cutide crcam

conditioning nail cnamcl rcmoYcr

speed dry top shine

basc coat

biittlcncss solvcr

foot spray

leg and musdc rub

anti-friction balm

refreshing gcl scrub

hccl softening cteam

rough skin rcmovcr

cooling gcl 1

dcodorising tale

naU hardener

1. If you change nad polish frequendy, you should use a

Z If you want youi nails to dry fast andlook exquisite, use thc 3. If your fcet fcd dred after a dayls \vork, rub in a smali amount of

4.    If you tcnd to develop tough skin on your heels, I advisc you this

5.    If your fcet tcnd to get warm and sweaty, you should use cither


6.    If your heels tcnd to get homy, you should apply to them

a..................ora ..................

7.    If your nails tcnd to be btittle, you can use a spccial preparauon

called a ..................and also apply.....................before

putting on nail polish.

8.    If thc skin of your fect u very sensiove, I can rccommend to you

a spccial..................

9.    If you spend a lot of bme stnnding or walking, your feet can cer-

tainly do with a..................massagcd in daily.

10.    If your nails tcnd to break easily, use a..................

Exercise 3

Rcproduce thc pedicurisds qucstions.

1......................................................................... ?

Yes, indeed. My heels tcnd to get homy.

Z    What ............................................................... ?

I usc an cxfoliating cream to rcmove thc hard skin.

3.    Howoften ................................ ?

I gjve my fcet a professional pedicure cvery half year or sa

4 ............ ?

Yes, you're nght. I spend a lot of ame on my fcet cvay day.

5 .........................•.................................:.............. ?

Yes, of course. My fcet feel ured and heavy cspedally at che end of thc day.

6 ...................you ever .......................................... ?

1 give my feet a warm ba tli only occasionally.

7 ...........................»..........................:..................?

I usc some foot balm but I don’t remember tts name.



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